Results for 'Elisabeth Haller Ellis'

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  1. Kant’s Politics: Provisional Theory for an Uncertain World.Elisabeth Ellis - 2005 - Yale University Press.
    Kant’s brilliant original contributions to political thought cannot be understood without attention to his dynamic concept of provisional right, argues Elisabeth Ellis in this book—the first comprehensive interpretation of Kant’s political theory. Kant’s notion of provisional right applies to existing institutions and practices that are consistent with the possibility of progress. Ellis traces this idea through Kant’s works and demonstrates that the concept of provisional right can be used both to illuminate contemporary theoretical debates and to generate (...)
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    Provisionalism in the Study of Politics.Elisabeth Ellis - 2004 - In Ian Shapiro, Rogers M. Smith & Tarek E. Masoud (eds.), Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 350-377.
  3. a social contract case for a carbon tax: ending aviation exceptionalism.Elisabeth Ellis - 2024 - Revista de Ciencia Politica.
    In this paper, I explain why people seeking to flourish together fairly in the im- perfect world we share today ought to support a universal carbon tax with no exception for international aviation. The argument proceeds in four steps. First, I provide a free-standing analysis of emissions behavior at the individual moral level. Second, I offer a picture of ideal and non-ideal coordination based mostly on Kantian social contract theory. Third, I argue that in a non-ideal context, moral signals about (...)
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    Index.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 191-194.
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    CHAPTER 3. Provisionality and Property.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 53-83.
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  6. The Received Hobbes.Elisabeth Ellis - 2010 - In Ian Shapiro (ed.), Leviathan: Or the Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill. Yale University Press. pp. 481-518.
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    Kant’s Politics: Provisional Theory for an Uncertain World. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Ellis - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):111-114.
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    Public property, collective integrity, and environmental justice.Elisabeth Ellis - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (4):650-656.
  9. Citizenship and Property Rights: A New Look at Social Contract Theory.Elisabeth Ellis - 2006 - Journal of Politics 68 (3):544-555.
    Social contract thought has always contained multiple and mutually conflicting lines of argument; the minimalist contractarianism so influential today represents the weaker of two main constellations of claims. I make the case for a Kantian contract theory that emphasizes the bedrock principle of consent of the governed instead of the mere heuristic device of the exit from the state of nature. Such a shift in emphasis resolves two classic difficulties: tradi- tional contract theory’s ahistorical presumption of a pre-political settlement, and (...)
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    Selected bibliography.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 177-190.
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    Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - Yale University Press.
    True,Kant takes the conclusions of his ethical work for granted in his political theorizing; he treats corollaries of the categorical imperative as conclusive principles of political right.However,in his political theory his concern is not simply to lay ...
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    Kant's Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications.Elisabeth Ellis (ed.) - 2012 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "A collection of essays examining Immanuel Kant's lectures and minor writings as well as his political essays.
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    Acknowledgments.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press.
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    Contents.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press.
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    CHAPTER 6. Conclusions.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 150-158.
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    CHAPTER 4. Citizenship and Provisional Right.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 84-113.
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    CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Provisional Theory.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 1-22.
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    CHAPTER 5. Provisional and Conclusive Environmental Politics.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 114-149.
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    CHAPTER 2. Provisionalism and Democratic Theory.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 23-52.
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    Frontmatter.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press.
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Elisabeth Ellis - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (1):1-3.
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    Notes.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 159-176.
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    Provisional Right in Kant's Rechtslehre.Elisabeth Ellis - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 100-105.
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    Lacan: The Silent Partners.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):109-111.
  25.  37
    Review Essay: Difficult Discoveries: Rousseauian Investigations of Love and Democracy.Elisabeth Ellis - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):723-730.
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    Book ReviewsImmanuel Kant,. Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History. Edited and with an introduction by Pauline Kleingeld. Translated by David Colclasure. With essays by Jeremy Waldron, Michael W. Doyle, and Allen W. Wood.New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006. Pp. 304. $45.00 ; $17.00. [REVIEW]Elisabeth H. Ellis - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):765-769.
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    (3 other versions)Letter from the Coeditors.Joshua Foa Dienstag, Elisabeth Ellis, Nancy Luxon & Davide Panagia - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (4):527-527.
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    Environmental Ethics: A Very Short Introduction Robin Attfield, 2018 Oxford: Oxford University Press, Xvii 137 pp, $11.95. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Ellis - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (5):838-840.
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    Review: Fleischacker, A Third Concept of Liberty: Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Adam Smith. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Ellis - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):447-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Third Concept of Liberty. Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Adam SmithElisabeth EllisSamuel Fleischacker. A Third Concept of Liberty. Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Adam Smith. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Cloth, $70.00. Pp. 338.Samuel Fleischacker's lively and ambitious new book on judgment makes significant contributions to the literature interpreting Kant and Smith. He constructs a powerful [End Page 447] theory of free human judgment from (...)
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    Consequentialism and Environmental Ethics edited by Avram Hiller, Ramona Ilea & Leonard Kahn , 2014 New York and London, Routledgexvii + 194 pp., £80. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Ellis - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4):437-441.
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  31. Edmund Husserl: Briefwechsel. In Verbindung mit Elisabeth Schuhmann herausgegeben von Karl Schuhmann. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer 1994.R. Haller - forthcoming - Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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    The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Set.Michael T. Gibbons, Diana Coole, Elisabeth Ellis & Kennan Ferguson (eds.) - 2014 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Encyclopedia of Political Thought is the most comprehensive and rigorous treatment of significant political thinkers, political theories, concepts, ideas, and schools of thought. Comprises over 900 A-Z entries, including brief definitions, biographies, and major topics, written by a team of 700 contributors from around the world Explores key theories and theorists, including non-western perspectives, in tracing the evolution of political thought from antiquity to the present day Published in association with The Foundations of Political Theory, an organized section of (...)
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    God, Value, and Nature by Fiona Ellis.Reese Haller - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (2):71-73.
    In God, Value, and Nature, Fiona Ellis dissects philosophical and theological positions on the metaphysics of our universe. Drawing on the works of John McDowell and Peter Railton, Ellis examines the dominant dichotomy between naturalism and supernaturalism among the perspectives of scientists, philosophers, and theologians. She challenges this metaphysical bifurcation, reframing the question of naturalism. Rather than asking what fits into the category of natural and what fits into the category of supernatural, the question should be, how should (...)
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  34. Phenomenology and delusions: Who put the 'alien' in alien control?Elisabeth Pacherie, Melissa Green & Tim Bayne - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (3):566-577.
    Current models of delusion converge in proposing that delusional beliefs are based on unusual experiences of various kinds. For example, it is argued that the Capgras delusion (the belief that a known person has been replaced by an impostor) is triggered by an abnormal affective experience in response to seeing a known person; loss of the affective response to a familiar person’s face may lead to the belief that the person has been replaced by an impostor (Ellis & Young, (...)
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    Elisabeth Ellis , "Kant’s Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications". [REVIEW]Samuel Fleischacker - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (1):165-171.
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    Kant's Politics: Provisional Theory for an Uncertain World, by Elisabeth Ellis. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005. Pp. 260, hardcover ISBN 0–300–10120–1 £25.00 The Kantian Imperative: Humiliation, Common Sense, Politics, by Paul Saurette. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. Pp. 310, paperback ISBN 0–8020–4880–3 £22.50, hardcover 0–8020–38824 £48.00. [REVIEW]Gary Banham - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (2):141-145.
  37. Review. Kant's Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications Elisabeth Ellis (ed). University Park: Penn State University Press, 2012. 256pp. [REVIEW]Alice Pinheiro Walla - 2013 - ID: International Dialogue, A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs 3.
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    How Can Physics Underlie the Mind?: Top-Down Causation in the Human Context.George Ellis - 2016 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Physics underlies all complexity, including our own existence: how is this possible? How can our own lives emerge from interactions of electrons, protons, and neutrons? This book considers the interaction of physical and non-physical causation in complex systems such as living beings, and in particular in the human brain, relating this to the emergence of higher levels of complexity with real causal powers. In particular it explores the idea of top-down causation, which is the key effect allowing the emergence of (...)
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  39. Freedom for Losing Oneself: Lessons in Spontaneity and Temporality in Kant and Heidegger.Addison Ellis - forthcoming - In Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit der Freiheit: Kant und Heidegger über Freiheit, Willen, und Recht.
    I illustrate a formal similarity between the autonomy-heteronomy relation in Kant and the authenticity-inauthenticity relation in Heidegger, which then serves as an introduction to the affinity as well as the differences between Kant’s philosophy of self-consciousness and Heidegger’s investigation of the meaning of being. I sketch this in a two-fold manner: (1) for Kant and Heidegger, freedom is a form of energeia—a self-sustaining and (in some sense) complete or perfected activity. For each it may also be seen as constitutive of (...)
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    Physical, Logical, and Mental Top-Down Effects.George F. R. Ellis & Markus Gabriel - 2021 - In Jan Voosholz & Markus Gabriel (eds.), Top-Down Causation and Emergence. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-37.
    In this paper, we explore the architecture of downward causation on the basis of three central cases. We set out by answering the question of how top-down causation is possible in the universe. The universe is not causally closed, because of irreducible randomness at the quantum level. What is more, contextual effects can already be observed at the level of quantum physics, where higher levels can modify the nature of lower-level elements by changing their context, or even creating them. As (...)
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    De quoi demain...: dialogue.Jacques Derrida & Elisabeth Roudinesco - 2001
    " De quoi demain sera-t-il fait? " interroge Victor Hugo. Un philosophe, une historienne répondent au long d'un dialogue serré, exigeant. Pourquoi ont-ils choisi de faire ce livre ensemble? En raison d'une longue amitié, au nom d'une histoire commune, en vertu de la qualité d'un débat qui n'a jamais cessé entre eux depuis qu'à la fin des années soixante la jeune étudiante découvrit l'importance de ce penseur de quinze ans son aîné qui, avec d'autres, réveillait l'esprit critique de toute une (...)
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  42. Motivated reasoning and the ethics of belief.Jon Ellis - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12828.
    In recent years, motivated reasoning has received significant attention across numerous areas of philosophy, including political philosophy, social philosophy, epistemology, moral psychology, philosophy of science, even metaphysics. At the heart of much of this interest is the idea that motivated reasoning (e.g., rationalization, wishful thinking, and self‐deception) is problematic, that it runs afoul of epistemic normativity, or is otherwise irrational. Is motivated reasoning epistemically problematic? Is it always? When it is, what is the nature of the violation? Philosophical projects on (...)
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    Inequality without Groups: Contemporary Theories of Categories, Intersectional Typicality, and the Disaggregation of Difference.Ellis P. Monk - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (1):3-27.
    The study of social inequality and stratification has long been at the core of sociology and the social sciences. In this article, I argue that certain tendencies have become entrenched in our dominant paradigm that leave many researchers pursuing coarse-grained analyses of how difference relates to inequality. Centrally, despite the importance of categories and categorization for how researchers study social inequality, contemporary theories of categories are poorly integrated into conventional research. I contend that the widespread and often unquestioned use of (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Top-down and bottom-up in delusion formation.Jakob Hohwy - 2004 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 11 (1):65-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 11.1 (2004) 65-70 [Access article in PDF] Top-Down and Bottom-Up in Delusion Formation Jakob Hohwy Keywords delusions, top-down, bottom-up, predictive coding Some delusions may arise as responses to unusual experiences (Davies et al. 2001; Maher 1974;). The implication is that delusion formation in some cases involves some kind of bottom-up mechanism—roughly, from perception to belief. Delusion formation may also involve some kind of top-down mechanism. (...)
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    Criteria for Holobionts from Community Genetics.Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Michael J. Wade - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (3):151-170.
    We address the controversy in the literature concerning the definition of holobionts and the apparent constraints on their evolution using concepts from community population genetics. The genetics of holobionts, consisting of a host and diverse microbial symbionts, has been neglected in many discussions of the topic, and, where it has been discussed, a gene-centric, species-centric view, based in genomic conflict, has been predominant. Because coevolution takes place between traits or genes in two or more species and not, strictly speaking, between (...)
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    Truth and objectivity.Brian David Ellis - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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    Responding to the COVID-19 emergency: student and academic staff perceptions of academic integrity in the transition to online exams at three Australian universities.Leonie Ellis, Laura Rook, Darius Pfitzner & Alison Reedy - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    This paper explores the perceptions of academic staff and students to student cheating behaviours in online exams and other online assessment formats. The research took place at three Australian universities in July and August 2020 during the emergency transition to online learning and assessment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study sought to inform decision making about the future of online exams at the participating universities. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using online surveys. The findings of the study (...)
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    Rape as a Practice of War: Toward a Typology of Political Violence.Elisabeth Jean Wood - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (4):513-537.
    When rape by an armed organization occurs frequently, it is often said to be a strategy of war. But some cases of conflict-related rape are better understood as a practice, violence that has not been explicitly adopted as organization policy but is nonetheless tolerated by commanders. The typology of conflict-related rape in this article emphasizes not only vertical relationships between commanders and combatants but also the horizontal social interactions among combatants. It analyzes when rape is likely to be prevalent as (...)
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  49. Biological Emergence: a Key Exemplar of the Open Systems View.George F. R. Ellis - forthcoming - In Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann (eds.), Open Systems: Physics, Metaphysics, and Methodology (2025: Oxford University Press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The context for biological emergence is modular hierarchical structures; their existence is what enables functional complexity to arise. Because of the openness of organisms to their environment, complete initial data (position, momentum) of all particles making up their structure is insufficient to determine future outcomes, because unpredictable new matter, energy, and information impacts each organism from the exterior. Consequently, through Darwinian evolution, life has developed processes to handle this issue functionally on short time scales as well on longer developmental timescales. (...)
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    Curious Emotions: Roots of Consciousness and Personality in Motivated Action.Ralph D. Ellis - 2005 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    Emotion drives all cognitive processes, largely determining their qualitative feel, their structure, and in part even their content.
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